Qualified dividend - Definition

A qualified dividend is a form of dividend that is taxed using the current rates supplied in a Capital gains tax table. From 2003 to 2007, qualified dividends were taxed at 15% or 5% depending on the individual's ordinary income tax bracket, and from 2008 to 2012, the tax Rate on qualified dividends was reduced to 0% for tax payers in the 10% and 15% ordinary income tax brackets. In many situations, the taxes applied to this type of dividend are lower than the standard or regular rates that would apply with different types of securities. In Order to be classified as a qualified dividend, the gain must meet specific criteria set in place by the revenue Agency that collects the taxes due.

Terms near "Qualified dividend"

Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor
Qualified Eligible Participant
Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Easing
Quote Currency
Rainbow option
Range Trading
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